Project Details
Drain & Clean
Aquatic Equipment Repairs
Cement Resealing & Restructuring
Recurring Maintenance Plan
From large lakes, to small fountains, we cover all ends of the aquatic spectrum. Sometimes water features need to be be rehabbed, and this was a perfect example of that. The cement needed to be resealed for waterproofing, the equipment was not working and basically eroded, plus much more landscaping around the water feature itself.
From floating fountains, to tiered fountains, we service them all. We had to order new fountain equipment for this project specifically. Including remounting the fountains themselves, installing electrical, new pumps, filtration, and UV lights.
All cement-lined structures have a lifespan, typically 15-20 years to be on the safe side. This aquatic structure was at the point of needing to be resealed / recemented, and overhauled. Although this type of fix won't be needed for years to come.
Let's face it, owning a water feature can be expensive and sometimes nothing more than a headache. Although we often hear from the residents themselves, how much they enjoy watching and listening to these water features, as they add some form on tranquility these people's lives.
Contact Lake Management Inc for free aquatic maintenance quote for your commercial or residential water feature in Southern California.
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