Concrete Pond & Fountain Repairs

Repairing Your Concrete Pond & Water Fountain It is not always easy to keep your concrete water features in good working order. Sometimes, there are repairs that need to be done that are difficult. Still, if you are able to research the issue ahead of time and create a plan for the repairs, you will […]
HOA Community Pond Management Services

Lake And Pond Maintenance For Homeowner Community Associations Formulating comprehensive strategies for lake and pond maintenance is of upmost importance for those with water quality issues. Looking for companies that offer up to date technology and advanced lake management services can help mitigate water problems as well as incorporating some do-it-yourself ideas. Below are some tips on […]
Considerations for Feeding & Maintaining Your Koi Pond

Koi Pond Tips From Lake Management Inc. – Fish Feeding & Maintaining Your Pond Year Round Just like human beings your koi fish need to be fed regularly with the right diet in order to grow healthy and keep a sustainable ecosystem in your pond. Koi should be fed 1-3x per week and with high […]